Little things

It’s always interesting to see how the locals try to catch your attention. They really try!





Bloody good view…

There are also good reminders:


Necessary reminders:


And then there is the art/graffiti. Wow.







There are loads! Indians love their art, and their music.

We are now in Delhi and have left the state of Rajasthan. I miss Rajasthan! The land of camels, colourful rectangle houses, sweet people and incredible art. More about that later…


Funny face from an abandoned village. Have a nice day!



This has to be the highlight of the trip so far (I’ve been in India a month already. Feels way shorter than that.)

First we take a jeep from Jaisalmer City


Twas a bumpy ride, but we made new friends. 2 guys from France. Then we arrive! Camels Camels Camels!



They have such a goofy look and are perpetually chewing and grinding their food till it is foamy and are totally unconcerned. Gentle, mild mannered, unconcerned. If they get grumpy they make the most hilarious range of noises and sounds. I resolve to make similar sounds at Chris to let him know when I’m annoyed with him.Image


We get on the camels, and boy are they tall! I screech and yelp a few times (I do this every time the camel stands up but never do I fall off or come close to falling off. Steady they are.) Camel doesn’t care. Camel exists. Camel just wants to eat. Camel then starts walking in a row.


View from my high above all camel seat. I was clinging on for dear life at first, alarmed that the camel might find me annoying/fat/heavy/ and bump my off. Never. Eyes look half closed. Long, unconcerned eyelashes in an unconcerned gaze. It just walks. And munches. It occasionally walks up close to the camel in front and rubs its face in the front camel’s butt. Itchy maybe. I love my camel. The camel infront keeps farting. Another camel at the back is dark and wild and grumpy and makes the funniest sounds. I can’t stop laughing. Am grinning ear to ear the whole time. Can’t believe I’m ON A CAMEL MY NEW FAVOURITE ANIMAL.


Me, desert mode. Covered up like an idiot, grinning like one too. Totally happy.Image

It took about 1.5 hours and really hurt between the thighs, the old man behind me kept telling me to tell my camel “heeeey camel heeeeey”.

Old camel man: Where country you?

Me: Singapore

Old Camel man: Seeengahpooorrr. Good?

Me: Singapore no camels.

Old Camel man: Mmm, no camel.

Me: Singapore no cows.

Old Camel man: AHHH NO COWSSSS?!?!?

It baffles them. The thought of a cow less place.Image

We arrive and thankfully get off our camels. All our inner thighs hurt to high heavens and the men exchange comments about how their balls feel like they don’t exist anymore.

We sit on blankets and munch on freshly deep fried snacks, tons of fresh, cold mineral water and freshly brewed chai and COLD beer. Thank heavens.


Our camel dudes cooking and cooking for us. Image

Happy to see sand dunes! The Spanish whipped out a small football and started to play.Image

Half a handstand, haha. Before yelping and falling to the side.Image

Chris does his thing.Image

Very very happy and a bit burnt!Image

Then we have dinner, freshly cooked and simple. Dahl, Vegetables and rice and Chappati. Free flow. I was stuffed.


Fast forward to night time and we heard and saw lightning in the distance. Not good. It then poured rain. Yes. In the desert! Man. I was impressed. There were 10 of us and we did not get wet. The camel dudes already set up a plastic sheet thing. The second it rained, they got all of us underneath while they pulled the edges of the plastic sheet firmly to hold it down. The rain and winds howled around us. This happened twice! Rain, finished raining, back outside to lie down, rain again, plastic sheet thing again, finished, back outside to lie down. By this time it was midnight and my eyes were crossed. But we had such a fun time because of our new friends. Chris and Julian (guy in red) were hilarious!Image

When the rain finally calmed down we saw the most amazing night sky. There were so many stars…I could have cried. Julian saw 5 shooting stars. It was a blanket of stars. So beautiful I thought some bunches of stars were clouds. They were not. Well. They were star clouds. We fell asleep like this. Staring at the stars, wide eyed, full of wonder and gratitude. I took a mental snap shot of this moment. I will not forget this.

In the morning, I got up about 5am. This was what I saw. Camels still unconcerned.Image

Camels asleep, everyone asleep. We slept on the sand, in a sandy, heap. Image

Good morning, desert.Image



I was so happy. So very very very happy. Thank you thank you thank you whoever whatever it is out there. I had an amazing time. 


(Don’t you just love them. “I have lost the will to live”)


People INDIA

When I first landed in Bangalore I decided all Indians were out to scam, to hassle, and the men at train station queues had no sense of chivalry. I was also ready to punch anyone who so much as touched my toenail while I’m asleep on the train. In my first 5 days I was very frustrated, annoyed like hell and eyed everyone with deep suspicion. Oh and I also clutched my bag to me.

More than 2 weeks into India, yes, a lot of people are trying to scam and everyone is hassling, but they do so because this is their life. Their livelihood! The way they grew up! They don’t mean to be mean. India is India.

AND. Everyone else I have spoken to, are very very nice people who just want to say hello to a foreigner and help as much as they can.


My first BIG SMILE in Bangalore. Each massive bun cost 7 rupees (15 singapore cents?) I had the masala bun. interesting.


In Hampi, he was sewing little boats they called Coracles. Looks like a large overturned umbrella. On shore they use it as shelter from the sun. In the water it floats beautifully. He smiled and nodded his head when I pulled out my camera and cocked my head to one side (ie universal language: may i?)


DUDE. Best smile in Hampi. Honest and oh my god. He’s always smiling.


The children always say Hello! Isn’t this so sweet?!?!


PAP’s (i know. stop it. pap smear. ok, I get it.) juices and smoothies in Udaipur, Rajasthan. Awesome stuff. I first entered his little shop near the footbridge with a skeptical eye. 100 rupees for a fruit muesli? For real…He assured me it’s the best I’ll have and I won’t be disappointed. I go there everyday for the same fruit muesli. Conversations about God and India too 🙂


She shooed me! Aw but she’s so cute and wrinkled and CUTE in her glasses! I bought 2 large pomegranates from her for 40 rupees (90 singapore cents) I figured pomegranates are safe to eat as I eat only the inside of the fruit.


Namaste (the light in me bows to the light in you)

Have a lovely day, and do…plan for your next adventure.