Hello AGAIN India!


I’M BACK. Holy cow and holy moly. How did it happen? Aren’t I used to over thinking something to death and finally brush it off and not do it? E. G. I’ve always wanted to take 3 months off to work and ski at the same time. Never did it. Always wanted to learn how to sew, make my own clothes. Never did it.

Then somewhere in Jan 2014 I thought – I will really like to go back to mysore for a month of intensive practise with Vinay Kumar (a super human yoga person). Wouldn’t that be a cool idea. How often am I going to be unemployed and free to do whatever I wish?
Hmm. Maybe not.
Why not?
Well. Coz. It’s money.
Some money!
Err. Hmm. Ok! I’m gonna do it!

Here I am. It’s been one week of practise and I’m happy as any happy human bean can be.

Ooooh! A transformer pretending to be a house. Can u see its face? Windows as eyes, white mustache, and it’s humongous mouth
“ey ‘uman, me am going to eat you with my beeg teeth and beeg mouth. Crunch crunch”


Wot a fluffy proud rooster. The most majestic I’ve ever seen. What’s a beauty like this doing running around? India is so liberal about their animals going around free as anything. How do le chickens know how to find their way home!?


Aren’t sunsets that much more precious when you just… Look up.


Friends 🙂 new friends. Who said language had to be a barrier…



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